Natural Remedies

Ingrown Toenail? Try These Home Remedies

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Soak Your Foot

Dealing with an ingrown toenail can be aching and thwart. Soak your foot in warm water to reduce bump and ease the pain. Try to soak your foot for about 15 to 20 minutes three times day. Adjoin  Epsom salt to the water can remoter help to soften the skin around the ingrown toenail and promote healing.

Ingrown Toenail

Lift the Nail

After soaking gently lift the ingrown toenail. Use clean chunk of dental floss or cotton ball to slightly lift the border of toenail away from the skin. This can help the ingrown toenail grow above the skin edge reducing irritation and let the nail to grow out correctly.

Ingrown Toenail

Keep Feet Clean and Dry

Keeping your feet washed and dry is critical when dealing with ingrown hoof. Wash your frequently often with soap and water and make sure to dried them rigorously. Moisture can worsen the shape of ingrown toenail so it is dominant to keep your feet dry.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Wearing pleasant shoes with enough room for your toe can stop an ingrown toenail from getting bad. Tight shoes or high heels can squeeze your toe get bigger the pressure on an ingrown toenail. Select shoes that fit well and provide adequate space for your toes to move willingly.

Try ingrown toenail protectors

If you hit up your local drug store or your online retailer of choice. you will notice that there are lot of products out there to keep your toes safe while they heal. Toe protectors, toe braces, toe sleeves toe wraps and toe caps the list goes on. There are even medicated options that soften the nail making it easier (and less painful) to remove. They may or may not make the recovery process a little easier on you.

What NOT to do

  • We have gone over the things you should definitely do and the things you might consider doing for that ingrown toenail of yours. Now, lets go over some of the things you definitely should not do.
  • Rinse it with hydrogen peroxide. Many of us grew up with hydrogen peroxide as the wound care method of choice. While its still great option for disinfecting your house its no longer recommended for use on your skin.
  • Cut your nail to the quick. One of the most common causes of ingrown toenails is cutting them too tiny. When nails are very short it encourages the skin at the sides of the nail to fold over it. Don’t be overzealous with the clippers and if you do decide to remove your ingrown toenail be sure to cut straight across. Rounding the edges of the nail is a recipe for recurrence.
  • Get a pedicure without proper precautions. Many people enjoy getting pedicures. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But if your toenail is ingrown, you need to tread carefully. Expertise matters. “Pedicures can cause ingrown nails if the nail technician is overly aggressive in cutting back a toenail,”

Apply Antibiotic Ointment

Applying an antibiotic ointment to the pompous area can help stop infection in an ingrown hoof. After cleaning and drying your feet apply small amount of ointment to the ingrown toenail and cover it with dressing. Keep the area clean and lower the risk of bacteria entering the ingrown toenail.

When to Seek Medical Help

If home remedies dont alleviate the pain or the ingrown toenail shows sign of infection such as increased redness swelling, or pus. Its important to seek medical advice. Healthcare professional can provide additional treatment options and help prevent complications from an ingrown toenail.


In summary, an ingrown toenail can often be managed at home with proper care and attention. By soaking the foot, lifting the nail keeping the area clean and dry wearing appropriate footwear and applying antibiotic ointment you can alleviate the discomfort and promote healing. If symptoms persist consult medical professional to ensure your ingrown toenail is treated effectively.

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